VRX Media will host Matterport 3D tour scans for 6 months from the date of the scan. After 6 months the scan will be inactive (not viewable), at that point, you can request to have the scan transferred to your own Matterport account. For more info on creating a Matterport account watch this video orĀ click here to get started with making an account on Matterport’s website. To have us transfer a Matterport space to you, just email us at support@showingtimeplus.com your Matterport account email and the property address(es)/name of the 3D tour scan models you would like transferred to your Matterport account and we will do it right away.

You can also request on the online booking form when scheduling your photoshoot with a Matterport 3D tour that we transfer the 3D tour (Essential, TenX, and Ultimate Packages) space to your Matterport account ASAP. If you want us to transfer the space to your account the day we deliver your files, just enter your Matterport account email address in the Additional Information box when booking and let us know!